[翻轉視界] 台灣國際勞工協會成員陳秀蓮
All persons, regardless of their nationality, race, legal or other status, are entitled to fundamental human rights and basic labor protections, including migrant workers and their families.
原文及圖片授權來自於Humans of Taipei和TIWA台灣國際勞工協會
My family was in the candle wholesale business, and since I was little, I would wear an apron with four pockets to sell joss paper with my family. Business was good back then, and we would make millions of NT$ each Lunar New Year. My father would take us everywhere—Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia. When China lifted its travel ban on Taiwan, my family was one of the first groups to go. My parents never cared much about our education, and my mother thought girls ought to work in beauty salons. My first job was a sales clerk at a cosmetics and beauty shop. I left my job later and became a bookstore clerk. Because I felt a calling and wanted to contribute to Taiwanese society, I set my sights on becoming a reporter. I switched majors and was accepted into Chinese Culture University’s Journalism and Communications College.
1. joss paper 金紙
2. lift the ban on travel 解除觀光禁令
3. never care much about 從不太在意
4. beauty salon 美容院
5. sales clerk 櫃姐、售貨員
6. cosmetics shop 美妝店
7. a calling 使命感、強烈願望
8. set your sights on sth 決心;立志*
When I started studying sociology and Marxism, I learned about concepts such as class struggle and the proletariat, and I began to have doubts about the world. When I took Professor Zujun Yang’s Cultural Studies course, she taught us about the Rice Bomber, Ru-Men Yang. Before, I felt that the line between good and evil was clear. Those captured by the police were all ”bad.” However, when I attended Ru-Men Yang ’s trial, he did not seem like a bad person. Parts of his testimony were inadmissible and ignored. For example, even though his bomb “exploded,” it only emitted smoke. Also, he said that he turned himself in outside the police station. However, the prosecution felt that since he did not enter the station, the police were the ones who caught him. Moreover, at the time, most people were apathetic to the plight of farmers under the WTO framework.
9. sociology 社會學
10. Marxism 馬克思主義
11. class struggle/class warfare 階級鬥爭
12. the bourgeoisie (馬克思主義理論中的)資産階級,資本家階級
13. the proletariat 工人階級;無產階級
14. the distinction between good and evil 善與惡之間的區別
15. testimony(尤指法庭上的)證詞,證言
16. inadmissible (在法庭上)不可接受的,不能採信的
17. emit smoke 散發煙霧
18. prosecution (被)起訴;(被)檢舉;訴訟
19. turn sb in 將(某人)送交警方
20. apathetic(尤指對重要事情)不關心的,無動於衷的
21. the plight of... ...的困境,窘境
22. framework(建築物等的)架構,框架
I later protested (Ru-Men Yang’s treatment) everywhere. Ru-Men Yang’s case eventually came to an end, so I returned to my studies. After I got to know the news industry a little better, I felt that I had pretty much learned what being a news reporter was like. So, I wanted to learn something new and began studying at the Graduate Institute for Social Transformation Studies at Shih Hsin University. There, Professor Te-Pei Huang encouraged us to experience social organizations, so I became a volunteer at the Taiwan International Workers' Association. I've been here since 2007.
23. protest (v.) 抗議
24. come to an end 完結,結束
25. return to 回到
26. encourage us to... 鼓勵我們去作某事
27. social organization 社會組織
Being in this line of work has really opened my eyes to what people are truly like. When I began work at TIWA, I assisted a foreign care worker in transferring to another employer. The grandmother she took care of felt that she was abandoned by her children, so she contracted the worker to care for her. She then thought that her husband cheated on her with the worker, and became quite nasty. She would yell at the worker and once threw leftover bones in her bowl.
28. line of work 行業*
29. open sb’s eyes 使(某人)認清,使(某人)了解
30. foreign care worker 外籍看護
31. transfer to(使)調動;(使)跳槽
32. be abandoned by 被…遺棄
I still remember this mediation session in New Taipei City. It was Christmas at the time, and the “Christmasland” in New Taipei City had these Christmas trees shaped like bamboo shoots. The foreign care worker said to me, “Sister, could I take a photo with you here?” She wiped away her tears and did her best to put on a smile for the photo. She wanted to show her family in Vietnam that she was doing well in Taiwan, even though she was mistreated. Every New Year, she would do her best to send back a box of gifts with toys for the children.
33. a mediation (session) 協調會,調解會
34. bamboo shoots 竹筍
35. put on a smile 露出笑容
36. do well 過得好 ; 做得好
37. be mistreated 虐待
Another thing I cannot accept is that no one cares about foreign workers unless there is news of their maltreatment. The Taiwanese people need to consider them as legitimate workers and not only care about them when there is a human rights violation.
38. cannot accept 無法接受
39. maltreatment 被虐待
40. legitimate 合法的,正當的,法律允許的
41. human rights violation 人權侵害
Six years ago, my father passed away. My brother took over and tried to reinvigorate and transform the family business. He designed specialized joss paper to ward off backstabbers and even joss paper for dead pets. July is the peak season for the business, so I went back home to help out. I hand packed the products and folded paper lotus flowers for the dead. It's funny that we can get along with the dead, but we still attach labels to the living and draw lines between us. It’s quite ridiculous when you think about it.
42. pass away 過世
43. ward sb/sth off 避開;阻止;擋住
44. a backstabber 背後插刀者;背後講壞話的人
45. peak season 旺季
46. fold paper lotus flower 折紙蓮花
47. attach a label to someone 對(人)貼標籤
48. draw a line (between something) 畫界線*
Visit Humans of Taipei for more stories!
如何增進同理心: https://bit.ly/34qSKnC
同時也有8部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅黑小多,也在其Youtube影片中提到,《黑小多のTwitch實況台》←“頻道相關Q&A”也在這邊看唷~ http://www.twitch.tv/blackchan 《黑小多の粉絲團》←大家趕緊去幫我按個讚吧!w http://www.facebook.com/heyxiaotto 《能貓姊整理的全成就資料》←感謝能貓姊! http...
pass the bomb 在 QiuQiu Facebook 的精選貼文
Visited the Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Dome, Peace Memorial Hall and the museum today. Can’t help but to keep tearing up from the intense feeling of sorrow i feel for what the people (especially the children at that time) had to go through. On August 6, 1945 at 8.15am, an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. Record will say it killed about 146,000 people but if you visit the museum, you will find out that many children managed to make it home with severe burns and bruising on their bodies, to say their last words to their mothers before they pass.. In the exhibition you can see the little kids’ tricycle.. Lunch bento box, their school uniforms, diary.. And toy marbles.. Donated from their family members. Little children seems to be the only thing that brings hope in a hopeless time. We were taking a walk along the bridge, and a group of little children happen to be singing a little happy tune.. It really brings some warmth to my heart, like a ray of good faith during bad times. May Peace continue to heal the people of Hiroshima #LoveShikoku
pass the bomb 在 Shawn Lee Facebook 的最佳貼文
Random : the day before yesterday. A bug flew pass me on stage. Lol. It was a huge one. Lol. It decided to stage bomb me. Lol
pass the bomb 在 黑小多 Youtube 的最讚貼文
0:00 需要通關的關卡
0:41 彈鋼琴
1:46 1.Jewelry Store 珠寶店 - Diamonds are Forever
1:52 2.任何銀行劫案 - A Good Haul
1:57 3.Shadow Raid 影之襲擊 - I Will Pass Through Walls
2:02 4.GO Bank 全武銀行 - All Eggs in One Basket
2:07 5.Diamond Store 鑽石店 - Hostage Situation
2:25 6.任何運鈔車劫案(不包含火車) - But Wait - There’s More
2:36 7.Train Heist 運鈔車:火車劫案 - We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Boat
2:44 8.Mallcrasher 商場破壞者 - Self Checkout
2:48 9.Four Stores 四間店 - Platinum Card 或 Yeah, He’s a Gold Digger
2:53 10.White Xmas 白色聖誕劫- What’s in the Box?
2:56 11.Ukrainian Job 烏克蘭人的委託 - Let’s do th…
3:01 12.Meltdown 爐心熔解 - They Don’t Pay Us Enough
3:08 13.Aftershock 震後餘生 - Bring It Back Safe
3:17 14.Nightclub 夜總會 - Let Them Boogie
3:30 15.Stealing Xmas 聖誕大盜 - The Grinch
3:39 16.Watchdogs 看門狗 - Out of bounds
4:06 17.Firestarter 縱火者 - Lord of War
4:13 18.Rats 鼠輩 - Full Measure
4:19 19.Big Oil 石油大亨 - Doctor Fantastic
4:28 20.Framing Frame 偷天換日 - I Wasn’t Even There!
4:38 21.Election Day 選舉日 - I’m A Swinger
4:48 22.Big Bank 大銀行 - Don’t bring the Heat
4:59 23.Hotline Miami 熱線邁阿密 - Walk Faster
5:16 24.Hoxton Breakout 老哈逃獄記 - Watch The Power Switch!
5:22 25.Hoxton Revenge 老哈復仇記 - Silent But Deadly
5:30 26.The Diamond 驚世奇鑽 - Cat Burglar
5:37 27.Golden Grin Casino 金牙賭場劫案 - High Roller
5:52 28.Bomb: Dockyard 炸彈劫案:碼頭 - I’ve got the Power
6:06 29.Bomb: Forest 炸彈劫案:森林 - Pump It Up
6:20 30.Scarface Mansion 疤面公館 - Settling a Scar
6:28 31.The Alesso Heist 音樂會劫案 - Sound of Silence
6:39 32.Counterfeit 偽鈔風雲 - Dr. Evil
6:48 33.First World Bank 世界第一銀行 - OVERDRILL
6:54 34.Murky Station 黑水火車站 - The Pacifist
7:06 35.Boiling Point 沸點 - Remember, No Russian
7:22 36.Goat Simulator 山羊模擬器 - Hazzard County
7:49 37.Santa’s Workshop 聖誕工坊 - Santa Slays Slackers
8:11 38.Car Shop 車店 - Gone in 240 seconds
8:19 39.The Biker Heist 暴走族劫案 - Full Throttle
8:37 40.Panic Room 戰慄空間 - Quick Draw
8:48 41.Brooklyn 10-10 荒唐警局 - A Rendezvous With Destiny
9:04 42.The Yacht Heist 遊艇劫案 - Pacifish
9:11 43.Undercover 骯髒交易 - Not Even Once
9:29 44.Slaughterhouse 屠宰場 - Making a Statement
9:47 45.Beneath the Mountain 山脊之下 - Clean House
10:12 46.Birth of Sky 誕於天際 - 1...2...3… JUMP!
10:25 47.Heat Street 熱街 - It’s Nice To Be Nice
10:39 48.Green Bridge 格林大橋 - Attacked Helicopter
10:49 49.Alaskan Deal 阿拉斯加交易- The Fuel Must Flow
10:59 50.Diamond Heist 經典鑽石劫案 - Blood Diamond
11:13 51.Reservoir Dogs 落水狗劫案 - Waste Not, Want Not
11:27 52.Brooklyn Bank 布魯克林銀行- All the Gold in Brooklyn
11:36 53.Breakin’ Feds 闖越FBI - Stalker
12:08 54.Henry’s Rock 亨利峽谷 - Hack This!
12:22 55.Shacklethorne Auction 拍賣會劫案 - Press [F] to pay Respect
12:47 56.Hell’s Island 地獄島 - Beacon of.. nope
12:55 57.No Mercy 慈愛醫院 - Keeping the Cool
13:15 結語
亦或是在下面留下你的評論,你的評論也可以讓小多的暗黑力量繼續壯大唷!(ˋ wˊ)/

pass the bomb 在 大麻煩翻譯組JackO Youtube 的最佳解答
#HazbinHotel #ADDICT
我並不擁有此影片 影片所有權歸屬於Vivziepop
I do NOT own this video, all rights goes to Vivziepop
贊助 HAZBIN HOTEL 的 PATREON 網址: https://www.patreon.com/VivienneMedrano
原影片網址(Original Video Link):
由 SILVA HOUND 帶來的超讚歌曲 https://silvahound.com/
Addict: https://fanlink.to/ADDICT
Addict Remixed: https://fanlink.to/ADDICTREMIXED
0:19 "'Till death do us part" 直至死亡將我們分離
這句是很標準的浪漫話 「愛情至死不渝 到死前都不算分離」 的感覺
馬上承接下一句 0:23 "but we're already pass that phase" 已經過了那個時期 (因為已經死了下地獄了)
0:34 "For the way that I am" 一般情況看起來是指外貌
但這種說法視情況可以不僅是外表, 行為舉止或是整個為人都可以概括進去"The way I am"裡面
0:45 為了押韻跟對稱字數有微調XD 但意思算是都有到了
1:04 副歌開始為了配合他兩個音會斷句的唱法, 我們有調整中文呈現的方式
1:12 ~1:17 為了押韻跟對應字數有小小改過
"to sin" 翻譯成「壞事做盡」其實比較偏向為了押韻, 會下地獄都是因為有sin (罪惡)
1:23 一般人對ceiling的直覺應該都是「天花板」, 但這個字其實也可以做為「最高處」(開闊處的最高處就會是天頂了, 怕大家會誤會, 這邊算是合理的解讀喔)
2:15 "So count your blessings cause this is it"
分開看這句, "count your blessings" 就是叫你要數數神賜給你的恩典, 通常是叫人要「懂知足」或「往好處想」
"cause this is it" 就是「現實就是如此」或是「因為情況就是這樣了 你沒得選」的一種態度
2:34 這裡可以有很多種角度去解讀Cherri Bomb的意思
我的解讀是把"See what you like?" "We could have it all by the end of the night. Your money and power. My sinful delight." 看在一起
所以我是解讀成「看看你喜歡什麼, 你的錢跟勢, 我那帶罪惡感的歡愉, 夜晚結束前我們都能擁有自己要的」
4:53 ~ 4:59 押韻加上對字數(驕傲炫耀貌) 雖然沒說對稱的很好但是我盡力了XD
5:10 "raising Cain" 的典故我記得是來自聖經
Cain之所以大寫是因為他是人名, 他是聖經裡第一個「殺人的人」
因此raising Cain 現代常被拿來指「殺人者」或是「犯罪者」
關於我們翻譯組: https://home.gamer.com.tw/creationDetail.php?sn=4035888
進度報告跟日常分享用的IG : Weed99coco1
我們的Twitter: https://twitter.com/TransWeed
Track: Janji - Heroes Tonight (feat. Johnning) [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nQNiWdeH2Q
Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/ht

pass the bomb 在 TheBibi0518 Youtube 的最讚貼文
Hello 大家好! 如果你和我一樣喜歡買化妝品的話, 那麼 sephora.hk (專門寄香港的, 和US版稍有不同) 的 Beauty Pass Sale 大家不妨留意一下, 因為金咭會員的話可以有八折優惠 (平日要用300積分才換到九折) , 更可以比黑咭和白咭會員搶先一天選購!詳情大家可留意他們的官網和手機APPS。如片中提到, 我自上年他年年終 Black Friday 大減價時到今年春季前前後後在他們網店也入手了不少新玩具, 借此機會和各位講講, 美女們可以做個參考。除了片中提到的產品外 (詳列如下), Viseart, Pat MaMcgrath 都是我推介的品牌啊!
以下產品全部為自購,所有用後分享儘量會保持公正,但始終是我個人用後感受,有時少不免流於主觀但卻一定是真情實感不做任何所謂 “video sponsorship” (即廣告費)。如果想知道更多產品詳情如價目和貨存,建議大家動動手到網站搜查最新資料:
GIVENCHY Le Rouge Lipstick - 325 Rouge Fetiche (Limited Edition)
GIVENCHY Prisme Libre Poder 0 Mousseline Pastel (Limited Edition)
GIVENCHY Prisme Libre Loose Powder
GIVENGHY Le Rouge Lipstick - N201
GIVENCHY Le Rouge Perfecto
JILL STUART Ribbon Couture Eye Palette (Limited Edition)
JILL STUART Lip Blossom Lipstick Cherry Blossom series (Limited Edition)
TOO FACED Just Peachy Mattes Eye shadow palette
TOO FACED Love Flush - Love Hangover
PRETTY VULGAR Throwing Shade Eyeshadow palette - Pretty Birdie
PRETTY VULGAR The Feathers Mascara
MARC JACOBS BEAUTY New Nudes Sheer Gel Lipstick
MARC JACOBS BEAUTY Le Marc Liquid Lip Crème
MARC JACOBS BEAUTY Eye-conic Steeletto Multi-Finish Eyeshadow Palette
NATASHA DENONA Eyeshadow Palette 5
FENTY BEAUTY Killawatt Foil Freestyle Highlighter palette
FENTY BEAUTY Gloss Bomb Universal Lip luminizer - Fu$$y
FENTY BEAUTY Diamond Bomb All-over daimond veil
FENTY BEAUTY Pro Filt'r Instant Retouch Setting Powder (Lavender)
FENTY BEAUTY Killawatt Freestyle Highlighter (Chillz)
FENTY BEAUTY Killawatt Freestyle Highlighter (Wattabrat)
FENTY BEAUTY Stunna Lip Paint Longwear Fluid Lip Colour - Uncensorded
BECCA Volcano Goddess Eyeshadow Palette (Limited Edition)
TOO FACED Sugar Peach Face & Eye Palette
TOO FACED Peach Kiss Mositure Matte Long Wear Lepstick
FENTY BEAUTY Killawatt Freestyle Highligter Duo - Lightning Dust/ Fire Crystal
CIATE LONDON x Jessica Rabbit Glow-To Highlighter (Limited Edition)
CIATE LONDON x Jessica Rabbit The Jessica Eyeshadow Palette (Limited Edition)
CIATE LONDON x Jessica Rabbit Glitter Storm Lipstick (Limited Edition)
BENEFIT Cheekleader Bronze Squard Cheek Heaven - Mini
香港長大的半個上海人,全職公關,也可以說我是Marketing。我不是專業化妝師,只是個有多年經驗的化妝品用者,也喜愛儲化妝品,喜歡每件小寶貝從內容到包裝的小心思,既然喜歡,何不分享?所以拍片和同道中人分享喜悅。分享美妝是我的興趣卻不是唯一,更不是賴以維生的工作,沒有專業影棚燈光或拍攝器材 ─ 這些在我每天工作超過十小時中已非常厭倦,因此我反而更享受宅在小小窩居,彷彿和大家閒話家常般輕鬆聊聊天的感覺。

pass the bomb 在 妙傳爆趣・2Plus 灣加遊戲 的相關結果
玩家們傳遞一顆隨時會引爆的「炸彈」,必須說出符合題意的答案才能將它傳給下一位玩家,隨著滴答聲連連作響,考驗著玩家平時對周遭事物的觀察力,以及靈機應變能力。準備好 ... ... <看更多>
pass the bomb 在 Pass the bomb junior 妙傳爆趣 的相關結果
商品說明. 好玩到爆炸! 牌上有大家都能輕易認出的場景。輪到你時,你必須說出一個能融入場景的物件,在爆炸之前趕快把炸彈傳走! 讓全家人歡樂,且具教育意義的遊戲! ... <看更多>
pass the bomb 在 妙傳爆趣Pass the Bomb 繁體中文版開箱及規則介紹by 高雄龐 ... 的相關結果
遊戲名稱:妙傳爆趣Pass the Bomb · 遊戲人數:2 人以上都可以玩 · 遊戲時間:15 分鐘(可自由增減) · 適合年齡:5 歲以上 · 牌套尺寸:6*9 ( 55 張) · 遊戲介紹. ... <看更多>